Meet our Sleep Expert Anne Marie BoyhanMeet our Sleep Expert Anne Marie Boyhan
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Meet our sleep expert - Anne Marie Boyhan

Anne Marie is a certified sleep science coach, insomnia expert, and founder of The Sleep Care Company. She is passionate about helping people overcome their sleep challenges and enjoy the benefits of a good night's sleep!

Suffice to say, Anne Marie absolutely loves talking about and helping with people’s sleep! You may have already come across her work at @thesleepcarecompany, in publications such as The Express and The Irish Examiner, or here on our website, where she’s provided our customers with tips on everything from how to improve the quality of your sleep to how to harness your sleep personality.

Above all else, Anne Marie is passionate about helping people overcome their challenges and enjoy the benefits of a good night’s sleep. Read on to find out more about Anne Marie Boyhan and her work with DFS!

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How did Anne Marie become a sleep expert?

Anne Marie’s obsession with the topic of sleep started with her own trouble sleeping at night. A stressful ‘always-on’ job in banking, a young family, and a reliance on coffee all combined to cause sleepless nights and relentless insomnia. In her eagerness to try and aid her own sleep, Anne Marie studied scientific papers and books, Googled all her pressing questions, and tried a range of sleep aid treatments. Then, using the information and insight she’d found, Anne Marie began to build a sleep routine that would help her unwind and enjoy good quality sleep.

Anne Marie noticed that while there was information available online, it was often quite difficult to find, and was spread across a variety of different resources. Anne Marie wanted to share the knowledge she’d gained in her own journey with others and also create a helpful, accessible resource where they could gain all of the information they needed in one place. She founded The Sleep Care Company and wrote The Sleep Journal, outlining an effective 90-day process to help readers set themselves up for sleep success and get the best quality shut-eye possible.

Anne Marie continued to build her expertise, qualifying as a certified sleep science coach, and training as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner (FDN-P), as well as enrolling in holistic sleep programmes and conducting lab tests including hormones, gut, circadian health, neurotransmitters, minerals, heavy metals and toxins.

This knowledge, combined with her own experience, allows Anne Marie to get to the root of her clients’ sleep problems, helping them to treat the cause of poor sleep, as well as build a successful sleep routine.

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Set yourself up for sleep success with Anne Marie and DFS

Here at DFS, no matter what your sleep thing is, we want to provide the most helpful guidance possible, from how to choose the right mattress, to things you might want to think about when designing your bedroom. That’s why we’ve partnered with Anne Marie to create a series of guides to help set you up for sleep success! To see more tips from Anne Marie and find out your sleep type with our sleep type quiz, head over to the DFS sleep hub.

Where can you find Anne Marie?

Want to learn more about Anne Marie and her sleep services? Head over to The Sleep Care Company or take a look at her LinkedIn and Instagram profiles. And be sure to pick up a copy of The Sleep Journal, if you’re looking for some reading materials around getting a better night’s sleep!

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